Wednesday, 4 August 2010

☺Apehal weh

OKAY I just got back from Seremban dengan ayah. aku cuma nak cerita yang aku dah siapkan buku scrap (sort of), haha tengok, tengok! siap ada baterflai lagii *bukan nak riak. act, last time i did my scrap book when i was at school. yeah thats right. tk sangka aku buat lagi ni. but this err...

Ni ah dia. sakit hati ek? ekeke bukan buku scrap apa lah X) i just submitted it kat putrajaya tadi and hopefully lah kaaaaan. *let's hope for the best! aminn.

SOMETIMES this quest just pop in my mind, and it makes me wonder, are you screwed with this song in my page? which is automatically played? HAHA. sampai tu aku rasa mesti ada yang terus 'mute' kan sound system kat kompiter dier. hahah. annoying gila ke? IF YES, sorry. but sometimes you should, indeed take time to listen to it, its beautiful, (rasyad told me he listened to it non stop for 2 hours for the first time he listened from my page, hahah i was like, OMG seriously? he listened to this kinda song? hehe :P no offense meant, jangan mara ea rasyad)

Ermmm, or maybe for those who just-cant-fit this song with your soul or your ears, sigh* JUST scroll to the bottom of the page, and

thankyou D: nanges aku weh korang takmo dengar. aaaa

BTW, fb akuuuu. tsk tsk D:
i just deactivated my acc, whew. not deleted, not permanently, NOT YET. nampak sgt belum mampu, because everytime i deact my fb, pretty soon ill actvate it back. rindu kat kau punya pasal juga lah hahaha, setan bejaya weh. SERIOUSLY, I cant stand this facebook thingy, lagi lagi aku ni suka stalk page org. ngahaha perhaps i can receive the creepiest stalker awards kan. kan? SO, beware x)~ haha. atleast aku cuba gak. maybe i'll delete my account someday. whoeverr had deleted theirs tu mmg berjihad sungguh lah menentang fb or maybe they finally realised how fb cud be their ENEMY like i did haha. respect laa dorang.

FB tu mmg lah jew's. mark zuckerberg-just read wiki entry about him. but i still dont get the willpower like fana dpt tu. sbb err sbb maybe ada hal hal yang membuatkan aku nak stay connected dgn member-member, even with my family or my either short-or-long-distance-relatives. somehow aku rasa bila dah tak dok dgn fb ni, kurang sikit masa aku spent dpn laptop [?] eeh kurang ah sangat, banyak kot masa aku dh kurangkan utk perkara yg lebih bermanfaat.

ANYWAY cuti yang selama 3 bulan ni, mostly banyak masa diluang dengan ayah, pergi mana-mana. pergi amek adik, pergi parlimen, pergi office ayah, mintak tolong hantar mana-mana etc etc :P. outdoor lah maksud aku. kalau indoor baru dgn mak-MASAK bersama? err memakan masakan mak in fact. ngee~ but i LOVE both of them sooo muchhh. there's no such thing that can measure my love towards them. takde beza mak ayahh pun. and plus sebab ayah je yang bole mintak cuti. mak? IDTS. ish sekolah apa lah tu. *
dekut cuti. dah aa tak kasi balik mantai! huhh. adik2 semua sekolah, asrama etc etc.

Btw, cuti wohh cuti. heaven gila budak medic cuti santai tak buka buku. eh, i lied. adelah jugak buka buku biochem SEKALI. im like so screwed 'LOVE' the subject to the core sampai tertutup balik buku-tanda kalah di medan perjuangan dan tak bukak2 dah. hahah. anyhoo alquran still buka la Alhamdulillah. tapi buka je tiada maknanya. BACA BACA, selamilah ia. and you'll get to know how marvelous alQuran's revelations are. Subhanallah :)

TILL thennnn, is it that OBVIOUS that im faking my feelings by this post? haha lol serious laa. i meant it. its true indeed. Xp

again, i just feel like blogging something random. but who cares btw :D do you? heheee

ciaoooo, assalamualaikum.


Farhaana Ishak said...

hahaha aku lagi suka kau post mcm ni, byk ckp & yeaaaah random which makes aku as reader senyum je baca XD

and anyway, KAU MCM FHM GILE JE EN PART LAGU TU XD sbb aku bukak bukak page kau, dnga audio terus mute aku nye laptop HAHAHAHA XD bukan sbb tak suka lagu tu la tapi sbb aku tk pkai earphone so mcm rse awkward gila bunyi y kuat tkleuar dr laptop aku, haha. hari tu lagi la aku online kt laptop lain pkl 2 pagi cmtu skali bukak laptop kau and KUAT OK bunyi keluar da la malam buta sunyi, patu aku tktau butang mute laptop tu kt mane lgi, saspen je aku O.O hahahaha

and anyway fb tu tkde ape la, ngaaa tkya la nk respek aku ke ape, kn aku ckp aku dlete fb sbb aku ni jenis tk reti nak 'in moderation' ape sume, mmg tak sangap fb tapi bila dia ada, tangan ni mmg tkkan reti nak stop type '' or refresh page tu 24/7 :O so btter aku takde je la, mmg kurang aa mase ngn laptop, hhu. and yeah kurang rase bsalah drpd asyik melagho je (sbb kdg kdg cmment ngn orang sbb tktau nak wat ape je, which is lame) and aku bce majalah Solusi bru bru ni and die ckp eventho its by jews tapi hukumnya harus sbb Rasulullah dlu pn berniaga dgn yahudi jgak, kira tak salah if kte berurusan dgn yahudi. cumenye penggunaan fb tu mcm mana/untuk apa tu y kte kene titik beratkan ecewah ok aku rase mcm tk psl aku da nk bertazkirah kat sini da la comment PANJANG GILA BAIK UPDATE BLOG JE haha just take this as my way to show you i miss you alright cehhhhh haha tc yana :D

ILY said...

i miss youuu :) btw, saya stalker terhebat juga. :D

yana, u're different now, i'm glad.

i'm on my way too, insyaAllah.

pray for our succes in dunia n akhirat things. aamiiin.

<3 u

yannonino said...

fanaaaa, mengundang nieee. i thought it was my previous post bawah entri ni rupa rupanya comment kau, HAHA. mcm nak suruh aku resign jee. Haha kiddo, u never fail to make bored with your words. even kau dah disable comment kat blog kau, tapi kau tk boleh halang aku utk mengagumi kau,ekeke. praise to Allah jugak sbb dapat kawan mcm kau, u know how lucky am i? haha sorry bab bab nak luahkan perasaan aku rasa lebih baik jangan kat comment ni sbb ia selayaknya to be in the special post thehee:P
serious aku rasa tk rugi aku tulis ni semua ni. n KAU BACA KE? hahah. btw im glad that can make u smileee hee hee :P

btw, aku kena pertimbangkan gak aaa utk buat lagu tu not be played automatically, sbb kadang kadang aku pun terfikir, laptop lain2. kang tak jumpa butang mute kang, terus korang kua je dari page ni hee. ye tak ye gak.
pe2 pun thanks fana. really appreciate it. miss you too, tk sabar nak jumpa kuliah 2nd year ni! hee heee

yannonino said...

ily sayangggggg. miss everytinhg bout you. thx for everythingggg. im still learning to get back on the right path, n there's someone yang menyedarkan saya. insyaAllah, you will, saya akn selalu doakan awk bedmate. doakan kita sama-sama ya :)

Putera Tidur said...

weh, ko anta by hand 'bku scrap' tu? aku anta post guna stem je kot.

btol ah ko ckp, mmg aku terus mutekan lptop bila bkak blog ko dan sume blog yg ada bunyi

ko tgk fana tu, komen dia je dah sama panjang ngan post2 kat blog aku, mana idea x bertimbun-timbun nk update blog. bkn cm aku, bulan julai satu post je.

yannonino said...

haah lah muaz, sbb aku rasa putrajaya tu lagi dekat kot dari pejabat pos
tapi takpe je. anis pun hantar pakai pos laju, kau pakai pos biasa ke?

ehee yela2 muaz. lepas ni aku tknak ah buat automatic lagi kkkkkkk

FANA tu MEMANG. tangan dia pakai STEROID kot? tak henti je menulis wawawa, *fana, kiddoo ehh, syg fana hehe. act aku suka je. cuma kdg2 aku rasa nak stop menulis setiap kali aku bc apa yg dia tulis, bhahaha

pak cik senget said...

wah..smakin hri smkin nye

yannonino said...

pkck senget : nak tuka baru lah nnt, dah bosan. hahaha

pak cik senget said...

buat la cantek2 mcm tuanye tao...lau xcantek da tanak dtg kt blog ni lg la...

yannonino said...

ehehe, terima kasih pakcik senget nget. nntkan ek. mungkin next week kot. btw, kamu baca tak apa yang yana tulis kat belog ni? ke trus komen je. haha baca lah

Farhaana Ishak said...

haha sory yana lmbat betul balas korang mengate aku ni (refer to muaz smbil baling bom haha). of course la aku bce every posts kau, cume comment tk comment j sbb tktau nak bgi ape :) but tulis la mcm ni selalu! i mean, yr daily doses, opinions ke ape, your personality is so cute u shld noe that :) hee yeahhhh rindu gila nak struggle same same dgn korang sume, and u especially! next year will be an intense year, grrhhh ecewah semangat :'D anyway pls jgn merepek nak bertuah kwn dgn aku ke ape ke ngaaaaa haha aku biase j lah k, not like thou >.> da la comel, hardworking plak tu :) and update la cepat yr 'about me' etc etc sume tu, penat tekan tekan sume tapi sume in progress, grr. and LG SKALI TOLONG LA MENULIS PNJANG PNJANG jgn nak jadikan aku as alasan, aku ramble je kot sume gaaaah :O k yana, until yr next postttt <3

pak cik senget said...

next week??..fuh xpe..setahun pn kte tggu..hahaha...hep!..ofkos la kte bace pe yg org tuu tulis....smpi serabut otak nk memikirkan ape yg kamu merepek.hihihi...da bc da pun sume story smpi hbs...huhuhu

FiKhRi said...

How many hours do u spent to write this article?? haha..quite long..

yannonino said...

fikhri, link ur blog please. heheh. when u feel like wanna write, you write! so it wont take longgg.

thanks fanaa & rasyad :P

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