Sunday, 29 August 2010

☺Net Probs

There are loads of things to be updated. Not just this silly blog hehe (act I dont really mind about updating my blog) tapi my antivirus ni ha. But then streamyx macam mangkuk juga ya. I’m not sure whether the prob was abt the router or what. 

I did believe ayah dah set everything, and the connection to the wireless was there. I wondered, perhaps it had to do with the petir that night. Ada possibility jugak lah. As I can't surf the net, dloading or even updating my antivirus at all! Padahal the connection strength excellent whatever not. That time, aku rasa; pehhh. Dah la semangat waja nak meng-surf resepi-resepi desert for berbuka, tapi tinggal angan-angan. Akhirnya end-up beli kat bazaar je.haru betul. 

But still I didn’t give up, let alone after numerous times cucuk sana godek sini. Called the telekom ppl pun, dorang datang boleh loyar buruk lagi. Mintak num phone bagai. They even sibuk2 tanya plkn mana as they saw gambar plkn aku kat cermin almari, as if dorang satu plkn dengan aku je dulu. Heh mana tak sentap. Buat kerja cara nak buat kerja lah oi. Mentang-mentang ayah takde kat rumah, siut je. Huhu. 

The next day, ayah was about to call them once again tapi aku doubtlessly refused! Ye ah imagine sesorang kot kat rumah and you have to layan mamat2 loyar tu. Eew-tobat. Even the person pun actually macam dah tak tahu nak buat apa. Aiyoo. Aku rasa macam nak bungkus simpan je router ni bawah katil. 

And now I am using the berukbands yang agak mangkuk. Tak feeling langsung, haha thats why I’m not in the mood to update my blog. But I think its cool enuff dapat tukar layout lagi to the simpler one. Haha yang ini aku copycat je. I’ll be editing it sooner or later, if the router dah tak merajuk lagi, insyaAllah, ekeke. Okay till then, ciao. Salam ramadhan.

Ramadhan is about to end pretty soon =(


Anonymous said...


The Blogwalker said...

i'd been in your shoes twice.
wireless LOST gak.
and with that i doubtlessly refused to call mereka2 lg utk baiki2 when alone.

life need to go on, even with that berukband, okay wahai yana..?
salam Ramadhan malam2 akhir!
jom hargai sebaik mungkin.

applejin said...

As long as we remember ramadhan,ramadhan will remember us.Insya-Allah.
-Rotation of life-

yannonino said...

terbaik kawan2 :)
fathiah n so-called jin bulan puasa ;]

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